hey u people who are reading this now, i bet the two words "simply gorgeous" caught your eyes right?? haha.. surely,some of you are thinking that i was referring to pretty girls right?? you dirty minded fellas.. LOL just joking. In actual fact, those words are meant for the beautiful planet earth we're living in.
Earth? Duh.. of course everyone knows about this five lettered word! but hav you guys ever checked the real size of this gigantic earth? Allow me to let you on some info. Forget about aliens, martians, and extraterrestrials. Because there is no other planet in the solar system that life can be found. Earth is of cpurse divided into a few segments. Earth's outer surface is divided into several rigid segments, then there is the inner surface and so on and so forth.. bla bla.. bla.. the only thing that puts a 'WOW' in my head is the fact that although earth is 6,378.1 Km in radius and TSA of 510,072,000 km² is among the smallest stars in the solar system.. Hmm... it just portrays how big the solar system is.. and it goes on, and on, and on.......
Don't you ever wonder how beautiful this world is ? It's just purely intriguing.. Everytime i looked up in the sky,i always wonder how far it can go. When i was a kid, i used to think that the sky will never end. Perhaps i'm right?? who knows? What makes things even more interesting is what that is present currently beyond the universe!.. Maybe there is another terrestrial planet like our mother earth in this huge solar system. So far, the only neighbouring star or frequently known as the "satellite" to our earth is the moon.Earth is no doubt gigantic,but how many of us homosapiens can this earth support? Every increase in human population in this world consumes that extra bit of resourse from this world. Hmm..i wonder how long will it take for this earth to finally run out of natural resources?!? Is the world meant to die?
Today, the 8th of january, a new year, a new day , a new month and a new morning. This morning when i opened up my sparkling eyes, i began to think.. ' how can earth exist out of nowhere? '.. thats is what forced me to get my lazy butt out of my bed to search for some info about the earth. Up until now,i still can't get my head around the fact that the earth is here right this very moment?!?
WoW.. i sound so much like a 'pro' now..The earth is just never short of surprises! Maybe a new discovery is just around the corner..God knows what it is?!? LOL! hahaz it feels great to share something with everyone.. However, this is just the 2nd post in my blog. There is so much more to share, so much more to talk about. i hereby end this post.. - JasNagon
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